Plot characteristics and yield prediction
Subprojects that fall under the Theme 'Plot characteristics and yield prediction'.
Field plot characteristics for estimating yield potential and control of cultivation practices (grass, maize and arable crops) (Subproject 4a1)
The research in this subproject focuses on forage (grass and maize) and arable crops (winter wheat, potatoes and sugar beet). A methodology will be developed for the validation of the predictive value of soil characteristics for yield potential. Soil characteristics related to crop production capacity will be listed and ranked or clustered to achieve a minimum list of relevant soil characteristics on the bases of which potential yields can be estimated. These factors are ultimately the basis for the analysing tool which takes into account the spatial differences in crops and fields.
Project partners: ZLTO, Agrifirm Plant B.V., Kverneland Group Nieuw-Vennep B.V., Wageningen University & Research.
Coordinating research institute: Wageningen University & Research: Marleen Riemens (trekker), Idse Hoving, Thomas Been en Frits van Evert.
Field plot characteristics for estimating yield potential and control of cultivation practices (arboriculture) (Subproject 4a2)
This project focuses on arboriculture (tree nurseries). Goal is to develop precision farming techniques to provide knowledge about the current state of soil on which the yield potential can be identified on a field plot scale. For soil sensing, existing techniques will be used (including Veris, EM 38 MK2, satellite images) to obtain geo-referenced information on physical characteristics of a field (OS, texture, pH) as a report, map or data file. These data are used for site-specific weed control and VRA of fertilizers.
Project partners: Boomkwekerij L.B. Ruijgrok v.o.f., M Willemsen & Zn. B.V., Handelskwekerij De Buurte B.V., V.O.F. Boomkwekerij Liwardi, Mart van Dijk Boomkwekerijen B.V., Boomkwekerijen Henri Fleuren B.V., Loonbedrijf De Tol Opheusden, Agrifirm Plant B.V., ZLTO.
Coordinating research institute: Wageningen University & Research: Ton Baltissen (trekker).