Soil and crop sensors
Subprojects that make part of the Theme 'Soil and crop sensors'.
Image analysis for detecting diseases in potato crops (Subproject 2b)
This project focuses on sensor technology for recognizing diseased and non-diseased plants in seed potato crops. Various sensor techniques are tested for both viral and bacterial diseases. The study should reveal what technique (or combination of techniques) is the most suitable. For both type of diseases an algorithm will be developed to distinguish between diseased and non-diseased plants.
Project partners: Kverneland Group Nieuw-Vennep B.V., Agrico, HZPC Holland B.V., NAK, Phenovation B.V., BO Akkerbouw, Wageningen University & Research.
Coordinating research institute: Wageningen University & Research: Jan Kamp (trekker), Pieter Blok en Gerrit Polder
Published reports (only available in Dutch)
Video Hyperspectral imaging
Also watch this YouTube video demonstrating the 'Hyperspectral Imaging' technique as one of the most powerful imaging methods for plant phenotyping and for determining plant features (like dry matter, nitrogen and sugar content).
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